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羅一(Loy Luo)
羅一是一位居住在纽约和北京的艺术家。 2010年获得北京服装学院硕士学位,2010年至2012年在北京科技管理学院教授艺术。
Loy Luo is an artist based in New York and Beijing. She received a master’s degree from the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology in 2010 and taught art at the Beijing Institute of Science and Technology Management from 2010 to 2012.
Luo's focus has been painting and sculpting. She is also a concept and performance artist, a poet, a vocalist, and a writer. Her art has been exhibited or collected in China, Italy, France, the United States, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Australia, and other countries.
Loy Luo is an artist based in New York and Beijing. She received a master’s degree from the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology in 2010 and taught art at the Beijing Institute of Science and Technology Management from 2010 to 2012.
Luo's focus has been painting and sculpting. She is also a concept and performance artist, a poet, a vocalist, and a writer. Her art has been exhibited or collected in China, Italy, France, the United States, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Australia, and other countries.
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2012年 | 北京亚洲艺术博览会,北京
2013年 | 中法艺术家交流展 法国旺代省 丰特奈-勒孔特市;
北京国粹园“禅意”画展 |
2014年 | 德国库帛画廊新年邀请展;
瑞典西东画廊意象三人展; 中国成都国际艺术博览会,成都 |
2015年 | 学院力量艺术中心新年沙龙展,深圳罗湖美术馆,深圳;
晋善静美-上苑艺术邀请展,北京晋商博物馆,北京; “悬浮”羅一绘画雕塑展,北京798寧空间,北京 |
2016年 | “共舞”羅一罗马个展,意大利FUN SPACE 艺术协会,罗马;
醉艺术在微粒子,北京三里屯微粒子,北京; “诗性•介域”—2016中国当代抽象雕塑艺术展 北京二十二院街艺术区,北京 |
2017年 | 法国Grand Baza Art Gallery 签约线上展,法国Grand Baza Art Gallery 网站,巴黎;
“独立精神”艺术展,恩来美术馆,北京 |
2018年 | 第六届San Venanzio 建筑与艺术展,罗马Bando workshop,罗马;
2018独角兽海滩艺术博览会(阿那亚),河北秦皇岛阿那亚海岸,河北秦皇岛; “静穆”羅一艺术展,北京锦都艺术中心,北京 |
2019年 | 第三届 Savelli城堡艺术节 罗马Savelli城堡,罗马;
快闪双年展--北京工作室流变史,九美术馆,北京; 绘画的逻辑线——当代绘画的生成与意义,江苏苏州金鸡湖美术馆,苏州 |
2020年 | Homeless 无家可归,Undercurrent Gallery 暗流画廊,纽约;
Who is "the Me"?,罗马,罗马; The Other I(The Me in Others),纽约白盒子艺术中心,纽约; |
2021年 | “New York Art Scene” columnist for Artron.net;
"Dialogue with Loy Luo" Online Art Exhibition (International Association of Women Artists, USA); Employed as a columnist of Artron Art Network (Artron.net); Invited by Beijing Reed Think Tank to be the keynote speaker of the online salon show, "Cyberspace, Homeless"; “Hong Jiang International Intelligent Education Forum and Contemporary Digital Art Exhibition” (Guangxi, China) "Satellite Art Fair" (Miami, FL); “Perfect Day,Drugs and Art" (White Box, New York);“Window Book" , "Window Bain”open house show (Mana Contemporary, New Jersey); |